Fundamentals of Analysis for EE, 201-2-5331

teaching year 2023-2024, semester B.

Home Page of Prof. Arkady Leiderman


Room 308, Mathematics Department building 58

Reception hours:  

שעות קבלה של ארקדי ליידרמן בקורס יסודות האנליזה הן

11:00-12:00, יום ג', משרד 308 בניין 58

שעה נוספת בזום בתיאום מראש


e-mail address:


Syllabus of Fundamentals of Analysis for EE (201-2-5331)

Lectures(2020) Part1

Lectures(2020) Part2

Lectures(2020) Part3


Attendance of the lectures is mandatory.

Final grade of the course: 50% - homeworks,

50%- grade for the oral presentation of solutions of several questions


There are 4 homeworks. Every homework consists of 10 questions,

every question - 10 points.

All students are requested to solve all homeworks by pairs

and submit the complete solutions in a written form.


Homework N1 (in English).  Submit until the date:  28.05.2024

Homework N1 (in Hebrew)

Solutions of Homework N1.

Homework N2 (in English).  Submit until the date:  18.06.2024

Homework N2 (in Hebrew)

Solutions of Homework N2.

Homework N3 (in English).  Submit until the date: 16.07.2024

Homework N3 (in Hebrew).

Solutions of Homework N3.

Homework N4 (in English).  Submit until the date: 30.07.2024

                                                 Put into mailbox 115, Math Dept building 58

Homework N4 (in Hebrew).

Solutions of Homework N4.


There will be a special final meeting for the oral presentation

of solutions of selected questions


Date: Friday, 2.08.2024 : 10:00-13:00,

Place: seminars room -101, Math Dept building 58


Exam_A, 2019 (in Hebrew)

Exam_A, 2019 (in English)

Exam_B, 2019 (in Hebrew)

Exam_B, 2019 (in English)

Exam_A, 2020

Exam_B, 2020