אשנב למתמטיקה Online Ical Atom Pdf Ml

שלישי 18:00 – 19:30 , אולם 101-, בניין מתמטיקה

מטרת הסמינר להציג את מחקר אנשי הסגל במחלקה לסטודנטים לתואר ראשון. ככלל, החומר שיוצג יהיה ברמה של שנה ב ומעלה, אבל כולם מוזמנים

AGNT Online Ical Atom Pdf

Wednesday 14:10 – 15:10 , -101

A venue for invited and local speakers to present their research on topics surrounding algebraic geometry and number theory, broadly conceived. All meetings start at 14:10 sharp and end at 15:10. Meetings are held in the subterranean room -101. We expect to broadcast most meetings over Zoom at the URL https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85116542425?pwd=MzVDRmZJUVh2NXlObFVkM1N0MCt3Zz09

Colloquium Ical Atom Pdf Ml

Tuesday 14:30 – 15:30 , Math -101

Operator Algebras and Operator Theory Ical Atom Pdf

Thursday 14:00 – 15:00 , Minus 101

Thursdays 14:00-15:00

Representation theory, Harmonic analysis, Automorphic forms and number theory Ical Atom Pdf

Wednesday 14:30 – 16:00 , חדר 201

Topic of this semester: The Jacquet Langlands correspondence. In the 1970s the Selberg Trace formula was adapted to deal with adele groups and in the hands of Jacquet Langlands became a central tool in the theory of automorphic forms. We shall study a simplified approach to the trace formula that allows to obtain a general version of the correspondence between automorphic forms on GL and automorphic forms on (the units of) division algebras. We shall also study the local aspect of this correspondence. If time permits we shall move to discuss the relative trace formula and its application to the study of periods of automorphic forms, and more recent developments in the direction of GGP conjectures and the Ichino-Ikeda formula.