פעילויות השבוע
הסתברות ותורה ארגודית
Mean and Minimum
יוני 21, 10:50—12:00, 2016, Math -101
Naomi Feldheim ( Stanford )
Let X and Y be two unbounded positive independent random variables. Write Min_m for the probability of the event {min(X,Y) > m} and Mean_m for that of the event {(X+Y)/2 > m}. We show that the limit inferior of Min_m / Mean_m is always 0 (as m approaches infinity), regardless of the distributions of X and Y. We view this statement as a universal anti-concentration result, and discuss several implications. The proof is elementary but involved, relying on comparison to the ”nearest“ log-concave measure. We also provide a multiple-variables, weighted variant of this result in the i.i.d. case and pose a conjectured general result encompassing this phenomenon. Joint work with Ohad Feldheim
לוגיקה, תורת הקבוצות וטופולוגיה
w2-Suslin Tree (The talk will be given in Hebrew)
יוני 21, 12:30—13:45, 2016, Math -101
Inbar Marom (BGU)
An w2-Suslin tree is a tree of height omega-2 which has no branches nor anti-chains of size omega-2. I will show that if we assume (less than) GCH and Square principle on omega-1 we can build an w2-Suslin Tree.