עמוד זה מציג את כל האירועים המתרחשים במחלקה השבוע. ניתן לבחור שבוע אחר, או תאריכים שונים, בשדות בתחתית העמוד.

BGU Probability and Ergodic Theory (PET) seminar

Stable processes indexed by amenable groups: from probability to non-singular ergodic theory

נוב 24, 11:10—12:00, 2022, -101


Nachi Avraham (The Hebrew University)


Stable processes is an important class of stochastic processes, including Gaussian processes, Cauchy processes and Levy processes. In an analogy to that the ergodicity of a Gaussian process is determined by the spectral measure, it was shown by Rosinski and Samorodnitsky that the ergodicity of a stationary symmetric stable process is characterized by its spectral representation. While this result was known when the process is indexed by $\mathbb{Z}^d$ or $\mathbb{R}^d$, the classical techniques fail when it comes to non-Abelian groups and it was an open question whether the ergodicity of such processes admits a similar characterization.

In this talk I will introduce the fundamentals of stable processes, the ergodic theory behind their spectral representation, and the key ideas of the characterization of the ergodicity for processes indexed by amenable groups. If time permits, I will mention recent results in non-singular ergodic theory that allow the constructions of weakly-mixing but not strongly-mixing stable processes indexed by many groups (Abelian groups, Heisenberg group).

אלגבראות של אופרטורים ותורת האופרטורים

NC Gleason problem and its application in the NC Cowen-Douglas class

נוב 28, 16:00—17:00, 2022, -101 (basement)


Prahllad Deb (BGU)


In this talk, I will discuss a noncommutative (nc) analogue of the Gleason problem and its application in the ”NC Cowen-Douglas“ class. The Gleason problem was first studied by Andrew Gleason in studying the maximal ideals of a commutative Banach algebra. In particular, he showed that if the maximal ideal consisting of functions in the Banach algebra $\mathcal{A} ( \mathbb{B} ( 0, 1 ) )$ vanishing at the origin is finitely generated then it has to be generated by the coordinate functions where $\mathcal{A} ( \mathbb{B} ( 0, 1 ) )$ is the Banach algebra of holomorphic functions on the open unit ball $\mathbb{B} ( 0, 1 )$ at $0$ in $\mathbb{C}^n$ which can be continuously extended up to the boundary. The question – whether the maximal ideals in algebras of holomorphic functions are generated by the coordinate functions – has been named the Gleason problem. It turns out that the existence of a local solution of the Gleason problem in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space provides a sufficient condition for the membership of the tuple of adjoint of multiplication operators by coordinate functions in the Cowen-Douglas class.

After briefly discussing these classical aspects of the Gleason problem, I will introduce its nc counterpart for uniformly analytic nc functions and show that such a problem in the nc category is always locally uniquely solvable unlike the classical case. As an application one obtains a characterization of nc reproducing Hilbert spaces of uniformly analytic nc functions on a nc domain in $\mathbb{C}^d_{ \text{nc} }$ so that the adjoint of the $d$ - tuple of left multiplication operators by the nc coordinate functions are in the nc Cowen-Douglas class. Along the way, I will recall necessary materials from nc function theory.

This is a part of my ongoing work jointly with Professor Vinnikov on the nc Cowen-Douglas class.


Numerical equivalence of R-divisors and Shioda-Tate formula for arithmetic varieties

נוב 29, 12:40—13:40, 2022, -101


Paolo Dolce (BGU)


Arakelov geometry offers a framework to develop an arithmetic counterpart of the usual intersection theory. For varieties defined over the ring of integers of a number field, and inspired by the geometric case, one can define a suitable notion of arithmetic Chow groups and of an arithmetic intersection product. In a joint work with Roberto Gualdi (University of Regensburg), we prove an arithmetic analogue of the classical Shioda-Tate formula, relating the dimension of the first Arakelov-Chow vector space of an arithmetic variety to some of its geometric invariants. In doing so, we also characterize numerically trivial arithmetic divisors, confirming part of a conjecture by Gillet and Soulé.


Non-Rigidity of Horocycle Orbit Closures in Geometrically Infinite Surfaces

נוב 29, 14:30—15:30, 2022, Math -101


Or Landesberg (Yale University)


Horospherical group actions on homogeneous spaces are famously known to be extremely rigid. In finite volume homogeneous spaces, it is a special case of Ratner’s theorems that all horospherical orbit closures are homogeneous. Rigidity further extends in rank-one to infinite volume but geometrically finite spaces. The geometrically infinite setting is far less understood.

We consider $\mathbb{Z}$-covers of compact hyperbolic surfaces and show that they support quite exotic horocycle orbit closures. Surprisingly, the topology of such orbit closures delicately depends on the choice of a hyperbolic metric on the covered compact surface. In particular, our constructions provide the first examples of geometrically infinite spaces where a complete description of horocycle orbit closures is known. Based on an ongoing joint work with James Farre and Yair Minsky.

אשנב למתמטיקה

גיאודזים, פונקציות, חבורות ומה שביניהם Online

נוב 29, 18:10—19:30, 2022, אולם -101, בניין מתמטיקה


לירן רון


הרעיון של ”כיוונים שונים ללכת בהם לאינסוף“ במרחבים שונים, גרפים או חבורות נחקר בדרכים רבות. הדבר הוליד מושגים שונים של ”שפה באינסוף“ שניתן להגדיר בכל ההקשרים הללו.

בהרצאה זו נכיר את אחת הדוגמאות האלה, שנקראת Horoboundary, ומקורה בעבודתו של גרומוב על חבורות ומרחבים היפרבוליים. נראה דרכים שונות להגדיר את השפה הזו, בעזרת פונקציות על המרחב ובעזרת גיאודזים במרחב, ונתחיל לשאול שאלות שונות שרובן עוד ללא מענה. בהתאם לזמן, נכיר דוגמאות שבהן גיאודזים לא מספרים את כל הסיפור, ונסכם בשאלות הפתוחות ובשימושים האפשריים של הרעיונות האלה לכל מיני שאלות אחרות.

תאריכים אחרים