עמוד זה מציג את כל האירועים המתרחשים במחלקה השבוע. ניתן לבחור שבוע אחר, או תאריכים שונים, בשדות בתחתית העמוד.


The power operation in the Galois cohomology of a reductive group over a number field

נוב 13, 14:10—15:10, 2024, -101


Mikhail Borovoi (TAU)


For a number field $K$ admitting an embedding into the field of real numbers $\mathbb{R}$, it is impossible to construct a functorial in $G$ group structure in the Galois cohomology pointed set $H^1(K,G)$ for all connected reductive $K$-groups $G$. However, over an arbitrary number field $K$, we define a diamond (or power) operation of raising to power $n$

$$ (x,n) \mapsto x^{\Diamond n}: H^1(K,G) \times Z \to H^1(K,G). $$

We show that this operation has many functorial properties. When $G$ is a torus, the set $H^1(K,G)$ has a natural group structure, and $x^{\Diamond n}$ coincides with the $n$-th power of $x$ in this group.

For a cohomology class $x \in H^1(K,G)$, we define the period $\operatorname{per}(x)$ to be the greatest common divisor of $n>0$ such that $x^{\Diamond n}=1$, and the index $\operatorname{ind}(x)$ to be the greatest common divisor of the degrees $[L:K]$ of finite separable extensions $L/K$ splitting $x$. These period and index generalize the period and index of a central simple algebra over $K$ (in the special case where $G$ is the projective linear group $\operatorname{PGL}_n$, the elements of $H^1(K, G)$ can be represented by central simple algebras). For an arbitrary reductive group $G$ defined over a local or global field $K$, we show that $\operatorname{per}(x)$ divides $\operatorname{ind}(x)$, that $\operatorname{per}(x)$ and $\operatorname{ind}(x)$ have the same prime factors, but the equality $\operatorname{per}(x) = \operatorname{ind}(x)$ may not hold.

The talk is based on joint work with Zinovy Reichstein. All necessary definitions will be given, including the definition of the Galois cohomology set $H^1(K,G)$.

BGU Probability and Ergodic Theory (PET) seminar

Enveloping Ellis semigroups as compactifications of transformations groups. Online

נוב 14, 11:10—12:00, 2024, -101


Konstantin Kozlov (BGU)


The notion of a proper Ellis semigroup compactification is introduced. Using Ellis‘s functional approach their connection with equiuniformities on a topological group is established. Proper Ellis semigroup compactification of a topological group G from the maximal equiuniformity on a phase space in the case of isometric action (on a discrete space, on a discrete chain, as liner isometries of a Hilbert space) is described. Its connection with Roelcke uniformity on G is established.

תורת ההצגות והתניות אוטומורפיות

More on rep. theory of GL(2) + Relative Langlands Duality following https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.08874

נוב 14, 13:00—15:00, 2024, 201


Nadya G. + Eitan S. (BGU)


The first hour will given by Nadya and it will be about 1) Two definition of \gamma, L, e-factors a) Jacquet integrals b) Godement-Jacquet integrals. 2) Weil Deligne group, different types of parameters, 3) roughly describe LLC for GL(2)

The second hour will be given by Eitan and will be about the introduction of and Section 2 in the paper https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.08874


Subgroup Tests and the Aldous-Lyons conjecture

נוב 19, 14:30—15:30, 2024, Math -101


Michael Chapman (Courant institute, NYU)


The Aldous-Lyons conjecture from probability theory states that every (unimodular) infinite graph can be (Benjamini-Schramm) approximated by finite graphs. This conjecture is an analogue of other influential conjectures in mathematics concerning how well certain infinite objects can be approximated by finite ones; examples include Connes‘ embedding problem (CEP) in functional analysis and the soficity problem of Gromov-Weiss in group theory. These became major open problems in their respective fields, as many other long standing open problems, that seem unrelated to any approximation property, were shown to be true for the class of finitely-approximated objects. For example, Gottschalk‘s conjecture and Kaplansky‘s direct finiteness conjecture are known to be true for sofic groups, but are still wide open for general groups.

In 2019, Ji, Natarajan, Vidick, Wright and Yuen resolved CEP in the negative. Quite remarkably, their result is deduced from complexity theory, and specifically from undecidability in certain quantum interactive proof systems. Inspired by their work, we suggest a novel interactive proof system which is related to the Aldous-Lyons conjecture in the following way: If the Aldous-Lyons conjecture was true, then every language in this interactive proof system is decidable. A key concept we introduce for this purpose is that of a Subgroup Test, which is our analogue of a Non-local Game. By providing a reduction from the Halting Problem to this new proof system, we refute the Aldous-Lyons conjecture.

This talk is based on joint work with Lewis Bowen, Alex Lubotzky, and Thomas Vidick.

No special background in probability theory or complexity theory will be assumed.

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