פעילויות השבוע
A GIT characterization of cofree representations
יוני 5, 15:10—16:25, 2019, -101
Dan Edidin (University of Missouri, Columbia)
Let $V$ be a representation of a connected reductive group $G$. A representation is cofree if $k[V]$ is a free $k[V]^G$ module. There is a long history of work studying and classifying cofree representations of reductive groups. In this talk I present a simple conjectural characterization of cofree representations in terms of geometric invariant theory. Matt Satriano and I have proved the conjecture for irreducible representations of SL_n as well as for torus actions. I will give motiviation for the conjecture and explain the techniques which can be used for its verification. This talk based on joint work with Matt Satriano.
BGU Probability and Ergodic Theory (PET) seminar
On the index of refraction of a distribution, lenses and probability.
יוני 6, 11:10—12:00, 2019, -101
Eitan Bachmat (Ben-Gurion University)
We will consider some basic optimization problems and how they relate to optics. We then define an index of refraction to any given distribution. We conjecture an estimate for the index and explain how its related to some natural operations research questions. We also consider lenses and ask questions about the probabilistic behavior of discrete geodesics in a lens setting.
New Functional Polarity Inequalities
יוני 11, 14:30—15:30, 2019, Math -101
Dan Florentin (Kent State University)
Several functional analogs of fundamental geometric inequalities have appeared in recent decades, beginning with the works of Prekopa and Leindler in the 1970‘s. In this talk I will, after discussing the method of functionalization of geometry, present new functional extensions of the Brunn Minkowski inequality and their consequences.