עמוד זה מציג את כל האירועים המתרחשים במחלקה השבוע. ניתן לבחור שבוע אחר, או תאריכים שונים, בשדות בתחתית העמוד.

Arithmetic applications of o-minimality

On the Diophantine applications of the Pila Wilkie theorems Online

נוב 24, 10:10—12:00, 2020, online


Kobi Peterzil (Haifa)

Jerusalem - Be'er Sheva Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Bad reduction and fundamental groups

נוב 25, 15:00—16:30, 2020,


Netan Dogra (Oxford)


This talk will be about two related results concerning Galois actions on pro-p fundamental groups of curves over mixed characteristic local fields, with applications to the algorithmic resolution of Diophantine equations. The first result is joint with Alex Betts, and gives a description of how the Galois action on the fundamental group varies with the choice of basepoint in terms of harmonic analysis on the dual graph of the special fibre of a stable model (when p is different from the residue characteristic). The second result is joint with Jan Vonk, and gives a description of how to compute the Galois action (in a p-adic Hodge theoretic sense) when the residue characteristic is p and the curve has semistable reduction.

BGU Probability and Ergodic Theory (PET) seminar

Is invariable generation hereditary? Online

נוב 26, 11:10—12:00, 2020, Online


Gil Goffer (Weizmann Institute)


I will discuss the notion of invariably generated groups and present a construction of an invariably generated group that admits an index two subgroup that is not invariably generated. The construction answers questions of Wiegold and of Kantor-Lubotzky-Shalev. This is a joint work with Nir Lazarovich.

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