The workshop will take place on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, at Ohalo Manor Hotel.
Travel to the Sea of Galilee
Conference transportation
We will have a shuttle going from the airport to Ohalo on Sunday.
This shuttle will have a stop in Tel-Aviv, and another stop at Binyamina's train station, to allow people from the Technion to catch it as well.
We will also have a return shuttle on Friday to Binyamina's train station, from where everyone will be able to catch the train home. Information about these Shuttles will be available later.
Getting there by car
From "Golani" junction, continue straight until the intersection at the entrance before Tiberius then turn right on Highway 768.
Continue straight until the junction "Alomot", at the intersection (traffic circle) "Alomot" turn left on Highway 767 junction "Kinneret".
Kinneret junction turn right onto Route 90 and continue straight until the first traffic circle.
At the traffic circle turn left and left again to the entrance to the "OHALO MANOR."
Here is the google map of
the drive from the airport to the hotel.