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Mini conference in operator algebras

Ben-Gurion University, April 9-10, 2013         


Sponsored by the Department of Mathematics, the Faculty of Exact Sciences's Distinguished Scientist Visitors Program, the Center for Advanced Studies in Mathematics, and by EU Career Integration Grant no. 321749.


The mini conference will include a series of lectures on advanced topics in operator algebras by Kenneth R. Davidson, as well as several research talks.


Organizers: Daniel Markiewicz and Orr Shalit.



All talks will take place in room -101 in the mathematics building (58).

Tuesday, April 9


Speaker: Kenneth R. Davidson, University of Waterloo

Title: Operator theory meets algebraic geometry


Speaker: Kenneth R. Davidson, University of Waterloo

Title: The Choquet boundary of an operator system


Speaker: Adam Dor-On, BGU

Title: Operator algebras and subproduct systems from stochastic matrices


Speaker: Sourav Pal, BGU

Title: The failure of normal dilation on the symmetrized tri-disc


20:00: Dinner


Wednesday, April 10


Speaker: Kenneth R. Davidson, University of Waterloo

Title: Semicrossed products


Speaker: Kenneth R. Davidson, University of Waterloo

Title: Dilation theory and commutant lifting

12:00—14:00: Lunch


Speaker: Baruch Solel, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Title: Hardy Algebras, Berezin Transforms, and Taylor's Taylor Series


Speaker: Guy Salomon, BGU

Title: On algebras which are inductive limits of Banach spaces


Speaker: Eli Shamovich, BGU

Title: Non-selfadjoint representations of Lie algebras and operator vessels