
Dr. Natalia Gulko

Course topics

  1. Basic notions: equations of the first order, general solution, initial value problem, particular solution. Linear equations, separable equations, exact equations, homogeneous equations, integrating factor. The existence and uniqueness theorem (without proof). The Riccatti equations, the Bernoulli equations. Linear systems of the first order differential equations. Solution via the matrix calculus. The second order linear equations. Non-linear equations and the Wronskian. The Euler equations. Linear equations of the first order. 2. The Laplace transformation, properties of the Laplace transformation, solutions of the linear non-homogeneous equations via the Laplace transformation, the Heaviside functions, the delta functions.3. The Fourier transformation, properties of the Fourier transformation. Cosine and sine Fourier transformation. Solution of the integral equations via the Fourier transformation.

University course catalogue: 201.1.9581

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