
Course topics

  1. Complex numbers, open sets in the plane.
  2. Continuity of functions of a complex variable
  3. Derivative at a point and Cauchy–Riemann equations
  4. Analytic functions; example of power series and elementary functions
  5. Cauchy’s theorem and applications.
  6. Cauchy’s formula and power series expansions
  7. Morera’s theorem
  8. Existence of a logarithm and of a square root
  9. Liouville’s theorem and the fundamental theorem of algebra
  10. Laurent series and classification of isolated singular points. The residue theorem
  11. Harmonic functions
  12. Schwarz’ lemma and applications
  13. Some ideas on conformal mappings
  14. Computations of integrals

University course catalogue: 201.1.0071

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