Algebra 1 for CS
Course topics
- General background: sets and operations on them, Complex numbers: definition (via ordered pairs), addition and multiplication, inverses, adjoint, absolute value. Real and complex polynomials and their roots.
- Fields: Definition, properties, examples: Rationals, reals, complex numbers, integers mod p.
- Linear equations over fields, matrices and elementary row operations, rank of a matrix, solutions of homogeneous and non homogeneous systems of linear equations and the connections between them.
- Vector spaces over fields, subspaces, bases and dimensions, coordinates change of coordinate matrix, row rank as rank of a subspace, sums, direct sums of subspaces and the dimension theorem.
- Matrices multiplication, the algebra of square matrices, inverse determinants: properties, Cramer’s rule, adjoint and its use for finding the inverse.
- Linerar transformationsbasic propertieskernel and image of a linear trasformationrepresentaion of linear transformations by matrices and the effect of change of bases.linear functionals, dual bases
Course Information
- University course catalogue:
- 201.1.7011
- Level:
- Service
- Credits:
- 5.0
Recently Given
- 2024–25–B (Dr. Yonah Maissel)
- 2024–25–A
- 2023–24–B
- 2023–24–A
- 2022–23–B (Dr. Guy Landsman)
- 2022–23–A (Prof. Ido Efrat)
- 2021–22–B
- 2021–22–A (Prof. Ido Efrat)
- 2020–21–B
- 2020–21–A (Prof. Ido Efrat)