This page list all events and seminars that take place in the department this week. Please use the form below to choose a different week or date range.


p-Adic periods and Selmer scheme images

Jun 29, 16:00—17:00, 2022, -101


Ishai Dan-Cohen (BGU)


The category of mixed Tate motives over an open integer ring or a number field possesses a notion of p-adic period which diverges somewhat from the complex paradigm: rather than comparing two different fiber functors, it compares two different structures both associated with the same cohomology theory. At first glance, it appears to be a peculiarity of the mixed Tate setting. Yet it plays a central role in the microcosm of mixed Tate Chabauty-Kim. It also connects the study of p-adic iterated integrals with Goncharov’s theory of motivic iterated integrals, and allows us to investigate Goncharov’s conjectures from a p-adic point of view. Lastly, it forms the basis for the so-called p-adic period conjecture. I’ll report on our ongoing work devoted to the construction of p-adic periods beyond the mixed Tate setting, and discuss the possibility of generalizing all aspects of this picture. This is joint work with David Corwin.

BGU Probability and Ergodic Theory (PET) seminar

Extremal independence in discrete random systems Online

Jun 30, 11:10—12:00, 2022, room 106, building 28


Maksim Zhukovskii (Weizmann Institute)


Let G be a graph with several vertices v_1,..,v_r being roots. A G-extension of u_1,..,u_r in a graph H is a subgraph G* of H such that there exists a bijection from V(G) to V(G*) that maps v_i to u_i and preserves edges of G with at least one non-root vertex. It is well known that, in dense binomial random graphs, the maximum number of G-extensions obeys the law of large numbers. The talk is devoted to new results describing the limit distribution of the maximum number of G-extensions. To prove these results, we develop new bounds on the probability that none of a given finite set of events occur. Our inequalities allow us to distinguish between weakly and strongly dependent events in contrast to well-known Janson’s and Suen’s inequalities as well as Lovasz Local Lemma. These bounds imply a general result on the convergence of maxima of dependent random variables.

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