This page list all events and seminars that take place in the department this week. Please use the form below to choose a different week or date range.

BGU Probability and Ergodic Theory (PET) seminar

Postponed for later in the semester: Approximation of Diagonally Invariant measure by Tori Measures.

Mar 23, 11:10—12:00, 2023, -101


Yuval Yifrach (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)


We consider the family of periodic measures for the full diagonal action on the space of unimodular lattices. This family is important and natural due to its tight relation to class groups in number fields. We show that many natural families of measures on the space of lattices can be approximated using this family (in the weak sense). E.g., we show that for any 0<c\leq 1, the measure cm_{X_n} can be approximated this way, where m_{X_n} denotes the Haar probability measure on X_n. Moreover, we show that non ergodic measures can be approximated. Our proof is based on the equidistribution of Hecke neighbors and on constructions of special number fields. We will discuss the results, alternative ways to attack the problem, and our method of proof. This talk is based on a joint work with Omri Solan.

Operator Algebras and Operator Theory


Mar 23, 14:00—15:00, 2023, Minus 101




An Algebraic Approach to the Cotangent Complex (online meeting)

Mar 27, 12:10—13:10, 2023, -101


Amnon Yekutieli (BGU)


Let $B/A$ be a pair of commutative rings. We propose an algebraic approach to the cotangent complex $L_{B/A}$. Using commutative semi-free DG ring resolutions of B relative to A, we construct a complex of $B$-modules $LCot_{B/A}$. This construction works more generally for a pair $B/A$ of commutative DG rings.

In the talk we will explain all these concepts. Then we will discuss the important properties of the DG $B$-module $LCot_{B/A}$. It time permits, we’ll outline some of the proofs.

It is conjectured that for a pair of rings $B/A$, our $LCot_{B/A}$ coincides with the usual cotangent complex $L_{B/A}$, which is constructed by simplicial methods. We shall also relate $LCot_{B/A}$ to modern homotopical versions of the cotangent complex.


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