This page list all events and seminars that take place in the department this week. Please use the form below to choose a different week or date range.

BGU Probability and Ergodic Theory (PET) seminar

Introduction to bounded cohomology Online

Nov 18, 11:10—12:00, 2021, Building 34, room 14


Anton Hase (Ben-Gurion University)


While there are earlier works on bounded cohomology, the topic was popularized by Gromov in 1982. In this introductory talk, we will give definitions of bounded cohomology of discrete groups with trivial coefficients. We will interpret bounded cohomology in low degrees in terms of quasimorphisms and central extensions. Then we will mention a few examples of how bounded cohomology has proved useful in applications, before concentrating on the classification of circle actions

Non-commutative Analysis Seminar

On Operators In The Cowen-Douglas Class And Homogeneity (part 2)

Nov 23, 11:00—12:00, 2021, -101


Prahllad Deb (BGU)


Randomness, genericity, and ubiquity of hyperbolic behavior in groups.

Nov 23, 14:30—15:30, 2021, Math -101


Ilya Gekhtman (Technion)


Consider an infinite group G acting by isometries on some metric space X.
How does a “typical” element act? Consider a representation of G into some matrix group. What sort of matrix represents “typical” elements of G?

The answer depends on what we mean by the word “typical,” of which there are at least two reasonable notions. We may take a random walk on G and look where it lands after a large number of steps. We may also fix a generating set for G and look how large balls are distributed.

I will talk about how these two notions of genericity are related and how they differ, focusing on the setting of hyperbolic groups. I will also explain that the following is true with respect to both notions: For a group acting on a Gromov hyperbolic metric space typical elements act loxodromically, i.e. with north-south dynamics.

For a representation of a large class of groups (including hyperbolic groups) into SL_n R, typical elements map to matrices whose eigenvalues are all simple and have distinct moduli.

אשנב למתמטיקה

ביליארד במצולע, בעיות הארה ומשטחים שטוחים Online

Nov 23, 18:10—19:30, 2021, בניין 32 חדר 309 וכן במרשתת


יער סולומון


פעמים רבות במתמטיקה אנו נתקלים בבעיות פשוטות לניסוח וקשות לפתרון. בהרבה מקרים הקושי נובע ממחסור בכלים מתמטיים, ועל-מנת לגשת לבעיות בסיסיות כאלה עלינו לפתח תורה מתמטית כללית. בהרצאה זו נציג מספר בעיות בסיסיות כאלה בגיאומטריה של המישור וננסה להבין כיצד ניתן לגשת לחלק מהבעיות הללו באמצעות חקר של משטחים, כלומר יריעות דו-מימדיות קומפקטיות.

הנושא של יריעות הוא אולי מעט מתקדם ולא נציג בהרצאה זו הגדרות והוכחות מורכבות שמסתמכות על כלים מתקדמים. מצד שני, נראה הרבה תמונות וננסה להבין באמצעות דוגמאות את האובייקטים ואת הקשר ביניהם ובין השאלות הבסיסיות שנראה.


Quadratic Chabauty and Beyond

Nov 24, 16:00—17:15, 2021, -101


David Corwin (BGU)


I will describe my work (some joint with I. Dan-Cohen) to extend the computational boundary of Kim’s non-abelian Chabauty’s method. Faltings’ Theorem says that the number of rational points on curves of higher genus is finite, and non-abelian Chabauty provides a blueprint both for proving this finiteness and for computing the sets. We first review classical Chabauty-Coleman, which does the same but works only for certain curves. Then we describe Kim’s non-abelian generalization, which replaces abelian varieties in Chabauty-Coleman by Selmer groups (a kind of Galois cohomology) and eventually “non-abelian” Selmer varieties. Finally, we describe recent work in attempting to compute these sets using the theory of Tannakian categories.

Other Dates