Prof. Michael Klin
klin |
Finite permutation groups, algebraic combinatorics, graph theory, mathematical chemistry
Prof. Menachem Kojman
kojman |
Set theory, mathematical logic, combinatorics.
Introduction to Topology |
Emeritus Prof Yoav Segev
yoavs |
Finite group theory, finite geometries, combinatorial topology.
Prof. Shakhar Smorodinsky
shakhar |
Computational and combinatorial geometry, sensor and wireless networks, online algorithms, discrete math.
Prof. Mikhail Muzychuk
muzychuk |
Algebraic Graph Theory, Group Theory, Permutation Groups
Dr. Yaar Solomon
yaars |
Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics, Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory, Diophantine Approximations, Computational Geometry
Linear algebra 1 |
Emeritus Prof Amos Altshuler
alt |
Combinatorial geometry, topological graph theory, convex polytopes
Emeritus Prof Daniel Berend
berend |
Applied Probability, Combinatorial Optimization, Number Theory.
Prof. Izhar Oppenheim
izharo |
Geometric Group theory, Expander graphs and High Dimensional Expanders, Coarse geometry
Introduction to Analysis |
Dr. Inna Entova-Aizenbud
entova |
Representation Theory: Lie algebras and superalgebras, representations of finite groups, tensor categories, representation stability, diagram categories, categorical actions