Shlomo Hoory

Thursday, February 15, 2024, 11:10 – 12:00, -101


The size of the smallest $k$-regular graph of girth $g$ is denoted by the well studied function $n(k,g)$. We suggest generalizing this function to $n(H,g)$, defined as the smallest size girth $g$ graph covering the, possibly non-regular, graph $H$. We prove that the two main combinatorial bounds on $n(k,g)$, the Moore lower bound and the Erdos-Sachs upper bound, carry over to the new setting of lifts, even in their non-asymptotic form.

We also consider two other generalizations of $n(k,g)$: i) The smallest size girth $g$ graph sharing a universal cover with $H$. We prove that it is the same as $n(H,g)$ up to a multiplicative constant. ii) The smallest size girth $g$ graph with a prescribed degree distribution. We discuss this known generalization and argue that the new suggested definitions are superior.

We conclude with experimental results for a specific base graph and with some conjectures and open problems.