My fields of research are Harmonic analysis, representation theory of real and p-adic groups and the theory of automorphic forms.
I am interested in geometry of spherical spaces and in the theory of distributions.
I also very much interested in elementary number theory.
List of Publications
Work in Progress
On two Gelfand pairs . (joint with A. Aizenbud and O. Offen.)
Distinguished Ladder representations. (joint with A. Mitra and O. Offen)
On Cohen - Macauly Properties of spherical varities
(joint with A. Aizenbud)
Papers Submitted for publication
The Harmonic Analysis of the Lattice counting problem on Spherical Spaces . (joint with B. Kroetz and H. Schlichtkrull).
Z-finite distributions on p-adic groups
Joint with A. Aizenbud, D. Gourevitch
Volume growth , temperdness and integrability of matrix coefficients on a real sperical space,
Joint with F. Knop, B. Kroetz and H. Schlichtkrull
Vanishing at Infinity on homogeneous spaces of reductive type.
Joint with B. Kroetz and H. Schlichtkrull
Papers Published or Accepted for publication
Simple compactifications and polar decomposition of homogeneous real spherical spaces.
, accepted for publication in Selecta Mathematica, Joint with F. Knop, B. Kroetz and H. Schlichtkrull
Invariant functionals on Speh representations, accepted for publication in Transformation Groups (joint with D. Gourevitch and S. Sahi)
Decay of matrix coefficients on reductive homogeneous spaces of spherical type.
Joint with B. Kroetz and H. Schlichtkrull , Math Z., to appear.
Descent Construction for Spinor groups, to appear in the memoir of the AMS
, 81pp (joint with J. Hundley)
Disjoint Gelfand pairs for GL(n,R) and GL(n,C) C.R. Acad. Sci. 2012, (joint with A. Aizenbud, O. Offen)
Existence of Klyachko models for GL(n,R) and GL(n,C) Journal of Functional Analysis ,2012 (joint with D. Gourevitch, O. Offen and S. Sahi)
Invariant distributions on non-distinguished nilpotent orbits with applications to the Gelfand property of (GL(2n,R),Sp(2n,R)), 2012
J. of Lie theory (joint with A. Aizenbud)
Descent Construction for GSpinor groups: Main results and applications
, Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences (joint with J. Hundley)
The SL(2) type and base Change
, Representation Theory 2009 (joint with O. Offen)
Localization Principle , Duke Journal (Appendix D is Joint with A. Aizenbud and D. Gourevitch)
(GL(n),GL(n-1)) is a Gelfand pair
, Compositio Mathematica 2008 (joint with A. Aizenbud and D. Gourevitch)
(O(n),O(n-1)) is a Gelfand pair
, Math. Z. 2008, (joint with A. Aizenbud and D. Gourevitch)
On Uniqueness and disjointness of Klyachko models
Journal of Functional Analysis 2008,
(joint with Omer Offen)
Global mixed periods and local Klyachko models for the general linear group
Internation Mathematical Research Notices 2007, (joint with Omer Offen)
On Unitary Representation of GL(2n) Distinguished by the Symplectic group
Journal Number theory 2007 (joint with Omer Offen)
Finite word length effects on transmission rate in zero forcing linear precoding for multichannel DSL.
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, April 2009 (joint with Amir Leshem, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos)
Fixed point error analysis of linear multichannel precoding for VDSL. ICASSP 2008 (joint with Amir Leshem, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos)
Decay on Homogeneous Spaces of Reductive type
, 69pp (joint with Bernhard Krotz, Henrik Schlichtkrull )
Descent Construction for Spinor groups - even case
,(joint with J. Hundley)
Descent Construction for Spinor groups - odd case
,(joint with J. Hundley)
(GL(2n,C),Sp(2n,C)) is a Gelfand pair
Construction of certain small automorphic representations for SO(2m,A), (joint with D. Ginzburg)
Invariant measures on homogeneous spaces, with applications to function spaces and lattice counting , (joint with Bernhard Krotz, Henrik Schlichtkrull )
A generalization of Harish-Chandra Regularity theorem
expanded version of Phd. Thesis
CAP representations of SO(4,1)(A)
expanded version of MSc. Thesis
Phd. Thesis (under J. Bernstein)
A generalization of Harish-Chandra Regularity theorem
Phd. Thesis, 2003.
MSc. Thesis (under D. Soudry)
CAP representations of SO(4,1)(A)
MSc. Thesis, 1996