Introduction to Computer Science

  • 1 - A shalom applet ( , Example1Shalom.html )
  • 2 - A simple Java program
  • 3 - Basic algorithms for finding the greatest common divisor
  • 4 - Recursive computation of binomial coefficients
  • 5 - Recursive computation of the function tg(x)
  • 6 - An applet with Koch's Snowflake ( , Example6KochSnowflake.html )
  • 7 - Recursive computation of the functions sin(x) and cos(x)
  • 8 - Enumerating all subsets of size k of {1,2,...,n}
  • 9 - The classical Towers of Hanoi Problem
  • 10 - A simple example using objects
  • 11 - Objects: points and intervals in 2D
  • 12 - Finding minima of functions of several variables