This page list all events and seminars that take place in the department this week. Please use the form below to choose a different week or date range.


Invariants on non-isolated hypersurface singularities

Dec 20, 12:40—13:40, 2022, -101


Yotam Svoray (University of Utah)


A key tool in understanding (complex analytic) hypersurface singularities is to study what properties are preserved under special deformations. For example, the relationship between the Milnor number of an isolated singularity and the number of A_1 points. In this talk we will discuss the transversal discriminant of a singular hypersurfaces whose singular locus is a smooth curve, and how it can be applied in order to generalize a classical result by Siersma, Pellikaan, and de Jong regarding morsifications of such singularities. In addition, we will present some applications to the study of Yomdin-type isolated singularities.


New insights on the Nevo–Zimmer Theorem

Dec 20, 14:30—15:30, 2022, Math -101


Guy Salomon (Weizmann Institute)


Let G be a higher-rank Lie group (for example, SL_n(R) for n>2). Nevo and Zimmer’s structure theorem describes certain nonsingular actions that naturally arise when studying lattices. This theorem is very powerful and manifests rigidity phenomena. For example, it implies the celebrated Margulis Normal Subgroup Theorem, which classifies all normal subgroups of irreducible lattices of G. The original proof of Nevo–Zimmer Theorem heavily uses the structure of Lie groups.

In this talk, I will present a new theorem on general groups that immediately implies the Nevo–Zimmer Theorem (when restricting to the higher-rank Lie case). I will also explain how the generality of our theorem allows us to adapt it to the setup of normal unital completely positive maps on von Neumann algebras.

The talk is based on joint work with Uri Bader.

BGU Probability and Ergodic Theory (PET) seminar

Probabilistic Laws on Groups

Dec 22, 11:10—12:00, 2022, -101


Guy Blachar (Bar-Ilan University)


Suppose a finite group satisfies the following property: If you take two random elements, then with probability bigger than 5/8 they commute. Then this group is commutative. Starting from this well-known result, it is natural to ask: Do similar results hold for other laws (p-groups, nilpotent groups…)? Are there analogous results for infinite groups? Are there phenomena specific to the infinite setup? We will survey known and new results in this area. New results are joint with Gideon Amir, Maria Gerasimova and Gady Kozma.

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